For this instalment of “The Editor’s Pick”, hosted on Wednesday 8th December at 12pm, the guest editor was Alan Pickering - Managing Director of Unison Ltd.
Alan sat down with James Sopwith from adi Group and Alex Barnett from OGL Computer.
Alan kicked off the live segment, which is streamed across all Made in Group social channels every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month to the group’s 30K+ followers, by introducing himself and the event’s guests.
As Editor, Alan had the opportunity to select 3 recent featured articles from the Made in Group platform and spoke directly with the members who published them.
Protecting your “Big Six” from Cyber Crime: Essential Info for Manufacturers
Alan chose to speak to OGL Computer, as a follow up to their recent event which is being held on December 14th, offering essential info for manufacturers on protecting your "Big Six" from cyber crime.
Alan began the event by asking Alex what is the biggest mistake made within the manufacturing industry when it comes to cyber security. "I'm too small to be of interest to a cyber criminal" was cited by Alex as being a common standpoint, which results in companies failing to protect themselves adequately.
Alex emphasised that there has never been a more important time to protect yourself as a company from cyber attacks, such as having an instant response plan, and ultimately being proactive when it comes to identifying what risks exist within the organisation, and what can be done to mitigate against these.
Gold status for adi Group as it extends commitment to young futures
As a response to their recent "Gold Status", Alan chose to speak with adi Group; with the manufacturing firm having been recognised for its work in building young futures with a new award from a government-backed accreditation.
Alan wanted to know firstly what initially trigged James' passion for an apprenticeship program, with James highlighting that not everyone is "cut out for an academic route", when it comes to their career development, and therefore they wish to inspire those who are more hands on to embark on a "fantastic career in engineering".
This recognition highlights adi Group as one of Britain’s brightest businesses investing in the STEM skills agenda. Showcasing those that are excelling at providing a number of ‘earn and learn’ opportunities for young people across a number of industry sectors, adi’s Gold Award is the highest honour bracket, recognising that at least 5% of its 700-strong workforce is made up of apprentices.